How much will translation cost?_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2016/08/26 00:00:00  浏览次数:888  

       E-ging Solutions is a world-leading Shanghai translation company with specialties in language translation.

       Translation prices range from 1 to 10 (or even  100), andwhile high prices don’t necessarily guarantee high quality, we submit that below a certain level, you are unlikely to receive a text that does credit to your business and its products. If translators are netting little more than a babysitter, they are unlikely to be tracking your market with the attention it deserves.
  Be realistic. How many pages can a translator produce in an hour? How much time do you expect him or her to spend crafting the text that will promote your product or services (How much time did your team spend producing the original?)
  When choosing a translation provider, calculate how much you’ve spent developing the product or services you want to promote outside your country. If you can’t afford a professional translation, perhaps you aren’t ready for the international market yet.
  By all means keep some local ?avour, but check with your foreign-text team to make sure that adaptation is possible.The added value that a translation company offers (translator selection, project management, quality control,file conversions, standardised presentation of multilingual projects, etc.) also has a price tag, but can save you hours of work.
