Translation Testimonials - Part 2_Shanghai Translation Company

发表时间:2018/02/08 00:00:00  浏览次数:878  

The idea of asking for and receiving testimonials from satisfied customers is to ensure that these testimonials can be leveraged so that as many people as possible will see these compliments.

Below we’ve listed some tips on posting translation testimonials –

Bold and italicize the key part of your client’s testimonial. The reader is then easily guided to the important parts of the test, saving them time and helping them to skim through the remainder of the text;

Ensure that your translation testimonials are displayed right throughout your website. Use them wisely, and weave them through your website to add interest and variety. The idea is that you shouldn’t be hoping visitors to your site will click on your testimonials page – the testimonials should already be where your visitor is reading. Make it easy for them, and they will quickly see that you are indeed an astute and trustworthy business partner;

Ensure that the testimonials you use are appropriate and in the appropriate place on your website. This is a mistake that we often see. The testimonials on your website should be placed strategically so that they support the message at hand. Let’s say you have both interpretation and translation testimonials on your website: you need to ensure that the translation testimonials highlighting your experience and translation skills are placed where you’re advertising your translation services.

Remember that, when people are on your website, you want them to stay there and not be diverted to another website. This means that while you may include the specific details of a person who has provided you with a testimonial (that is, their name and company name etc.), it’s best to not include a link to their website.

It’s very important that you only post real testimonials. Let’s face it: we can all spot a fake testimonial a mile off so, if you use fake testimonials, your potential clients will have little or no trust in you and you’ll be damaging your credibility and your reputation. Only use genuine testimonials from real translation clients: we can assure you that fake testimonials can cause serious damage to your freelance translation business.

You’ll be adding credibility to your website if you’re able to obtain video testimonials, in addition to written ones. Besides offering credibility, video testimonials can be very engaging because there’s a real person there for people to see and to listen to. They’re certainly much more effective than a written testimonial with the person’s name written under a quote.

Testimonials or Feedback?

We continue referring to translation testimonials, however, what we're really referring to here is just good old feedback! If you prefer to ask for feedback instead of a testimonial it’s virtually the same thing, except of course that, with feedback, you must be prepared to accept constructive criticism or even negative feedback. If you ask your translation clients for feedback it indicates that you’re looking for constructive feedback, whether it be positive or negative, and that their opinion is important to you. Feedback also sounds less formal than asking for a testimonial and might possibly produce a more honest opinion from your translation client. It’s also important to remember that negative feedback is extremely valuable to your business: you need to know how to service your clients effectively and how (in their opinion) there may be something further you should be offering.
